Saturday, October 23, 2010

Memories Written on my Face

This digital story is about a girl waking up to find new wrinkles on her face. Behind each wrinkle is a story; a moment of her life captured on her face.

I selected this story because we watched it in class and because I was taken back by how well she told her story. I also loved the idea that every wrinkle was a new chapter in her life. A very creative idea, and I kind of wish I started doing that when I began getting wrinkles.
My reaction: Her second wrinkle is called “Aliciana” the name of her sister who caused the wrinkle. I have a brother so I thought that it was funny when she said that her sister caused a wrinkle on her face; my brother has probably caused many of the wrinkles on my face. And I can’t believe her sister tried to convince her that she was adopted! The two wrinkles she is most proud of are her laugh lines. They represent Martin. This part of the video makes me smile because I know how wonderful it feels to be in love, and I have those lines too. =) 

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