Thursday, September 23, 2010

Down We Go!

~When I was little, my family and I lived in a small blue house with two bedrooms, a little basement, and a back yard with a tree fort to play in. When my brother was born (or when I was 4) we had to get a bigger house to suit a family of four. So one day, we moved just down the street to a big white house, with three bedrooms, a turn around driveway, a huge back yard, and three floors (including the basement). This was totally different compared to my old house in the aspect of stairs. The only set of stairs in my old house led to the basement, and those only had 3 steps. The new house has two sets of 14 steps. As you can imagine, I was not all that familiar with stairs. I went up just fine, but trying to get down them was not as…graceful.
It all happened so fast. I fell, than my dad tried to grab a hold of me from the top of the stairs, than he fell too! Than my mom ran around the corner but by that time, my dad and I were both at the bottom of the stairs’. Shocked, and in pain. I remember my mom telling me that somehow dad spun around so that he didn’t land on me at the bottom of the stairs!

I decided to tell this story because it is funny, action packed and it is always a fun one to tell. It was such a fun memory to write about that I was actually smiling while writing it!


  1. Hhahe...I enjoyed this one. Having fallen down your basement stairs before, I know it can really suck. It would definitely be a lot worse with your dad falling with me. aheh

  2. hahe yes it really does suck! ... but the stairs that i fell down in this story where the wooden stairs that lead to the 3rd flor...those ones REALLY hurt! lol
