Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Want To Know What It Feels Like To Be Hungry

Did you know that 38% of children in Canada go to bed hungry?  I know I didn’t.  Actually I had no clue.  I also had no clue what it feels like to actually be hungry. Not just a little grumble in my stomach; but hunger pains.  The majority of us are fortunate enough to know what it’s like to feel full.  But to be full is a privilege, and something to be grateful for.

So since all I know is the benefit of being full, I now want to know what it feels like to be hungry.  Now is the time to try something new, and live a little.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

My Passion =]

This video is about my passion for photography.

I chose to tell this story because people often confuse why I’m not going to school for photography. They always ask me, “Are you going to school for photography?” “Why aren’t you going to school for photography?” I reply, “Why would I? It’s not a career. It’s my passion.” Another reason why I chose to write this story is because I want people to see the world in a different perspective and have them appreciate the little things in life.

Keep in mind, this is the first digital story I have ever made.
If it is skipping, simply press push, wait a minute for it to load, than press play to continue watching.

Enjoy! =]

Friday, December 3, 2010

It's My Birthday Hayy!!

So it was my 20th birthday on November 26th and I can still remember my sweet 16. It was quite possibly my most memorable birthday ever. At the time my best friend was Marguerite, and when we were together we would make each other laugh all the time! Also at that time, I was dating this guy named Jonathan. I invited both of them over to celebrate my 16th birthday with my family. Every time we have a family dinner, my grandma would make this delicious, multi-layered, fruit Jell-O. Not many people know that when I mix Jell-O, my best friend, my boy friend and excitement; I get really, really hyper! So the reason why it was the most memorable birthday ever was because when the Jell-O came out I became so fascinated with how it juggled. Weird, I know, but when I get hyper, small things amuse me. As I was jiggling the Jell-O my grandma got up, grabbed the Jell-O and put it in the kitchen. Everyone went silent. There were no more giggles, and the negative vibe in the room could have been cut with a dull knife. Even as writing this I feel that awkward feeling all over again. Anyway, Marguerite, Jon and I got up to serve the Jell-O and of course I felt horrible. But Jon said something that made me feel so much better. That something was, "Don’t worry; it still jiggles."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Chicago is love!

During my grade 12 year of high school, I had the opportunity to go to Chicago on a school trip. I have always found Chicago intriguing, so when I heard about the trip, I had to go! Only problem was the fact that it was over five hundred dollars so I was a bit hesitant to go. I actually considered backing out twice; but both times I was talked back into it.
Once we arrived at Sears Tower in Chicago I noticed that the guy I had flirted with during the summer was on the trip. I instantly got butterflies even though I didn’t remember his name. We just so happened that we went in the same elevator to get to the top of the Sears Tower. He asked me, “You’re Angela right?” I replied by giggling and saying, “Yeah. But I forget your name.” I found out his name was Jordan.
Later we went to a Jazz restaurant for dinner. Naturally I sat down with my girls. A couple minutes later Jordan sat down with us. I got those butterflies again. We talked, we flirted, and it was obvious that we had a connection. By the end of the night we were inseparable. We sat together on the bus, to and from the Blue Man Group, and we stayed up late talking.
The second day after we went to an Improv workshop, we went to China Town. There we walked the streets visiting little Chinese shops. It was almost time to go so before we left I pulled Jordan into a little alleyway and kissed him! It wasn’t the ideal first kiss, but it was cute because he was smiling the whole time. For the rest of that day we held pinkies (because I wasn’t comfortable holding hands yet).
The third and last day we went to an art museum and whenever no one from our group was looking, we would give each other a kiss. We also went to this huge aquarium where we went off on our own. That was nice because when we stopped to read something he would hold me.
All of this wouldn’t have happened if I had not gone on the trip, or if Jordan chickened out when he decided to sit with us. After dating a few weeks he admitted that he didn’t plan on sitting with me the first night. If he didn’t, I probably wouldn’t be with him today and I definitely wouldn’t be as happy as I am.

I wrote about this memory because it makes both Jordan and I happy every time we talk about it. It is one of those things that, if things would have went differently, it would be the end of life, as I know it. And who knows what my life would be like now if that guy I who gave me butterflies hadn’t sat with me that night. Whatever the answer may be, I’m glad things turned out the way they did.


So when I was in high school I played on the school volleyball team. I wasn’t the most valuable player, but I was still pretty good considering I was a year younger than everyone else on the team. The majority of my time went to volleyball because if we were involved in anything else at school, and missed a practice due to it, our coach wouldn’t play us as much. She would hold a grudge over us, or something. Anyways, it was the final OFSAA tournament of my grade 12 year, and I was just about to leave to meet up with my team. My grandma showed up at my house looking completely distraught. It turns out my grandpa had passed away in his sleep. I couldn’t stay to comfort my grandma for long because I really had to go. There, my coach realized I wasn’t myself so I told her what had just happened.
Once we arrived at the tournament, we warmed up and began the match. I wasn’t playing my best, so my coach pulled my off for the rest of that game. After we shook hands with the other team, I pulled her aside and asked her, “How come you didn’t put me back in?” She replied by telling me that I was too emotional to play. I than asked if I was going to play again and she said, “Of course.” But what really happened was that I was never put back in and I missed my grandpa’s funeral. I have such resentment towards her now. If she would have told me that I wasn’t going to be played again, I would have just went back home and go to my grandpa’s funeral for a final good-bye. But NO! She had to be a bitch.

I chose to write this memory because it is something that really affected me. It also has a lot to do with a previous blog about my grandpa. (In Memory…) Thinking of my grandpa made me think of this and I thought this memory would make a good blog.

Friday, November 5, 2010

A Lucky Break


This digital story is about an older lady who was riding her bike down the road. Her brakes were broken, so when a horse drawn carriage came, it knocked her to the ground, breaking her humerus. While in physio she had to do exercises to get the strength back in her arm. She decided to draw and great things happened after that day.

My reaction: Right away it caught my attention because the second picture was of her on the ground. Another picture that caught my attention was the first photo of her drawing. The partial photo that she had drawn was already amazing. The finished product was a very beautiful drawing of two naked men holding each other. I was and wasn’t surprised that she won first place with that drawing. Surprised because she drew it with a broken humerus; and not surprised because it was so well drawn. The last line in the video is, “I love doing what I do and I’m really thankful for that lucky break.” That line makes me laugh because ‘lucky break’ can be taken two ways. One, she was lucky to have an opportunity to become an artist. And two, she literally did break something.

Geri's Game


This Pixar short movie is about an old man playing chess. There is no one around to play against so he ends up playing against himself. He creates an alternate personality to play with. This alternate personality is aggressive, conniving, cocky, and doesn’t wear glasses; he is the complete opposite of the old man.

My reaction: It makes me smile when he makes his first play and there is absolutely no one to play against. This is when he creates the alternate personality. Just when I thought ‘oh wow, this is it for the cute little old man,’ he fakes a heart attack and dies. Than when the other personality is not looking, the little old man switches the board around. He wins the game, and is so proud of himself. This video is so cute and it makes me smile every time. =]